The European project Notaries Beyond Frontiers (NBF) is funded for two years (from 1 October 2018 to 30 September 2020) by the Justice programme of the European Commission. The project's partners are the Catholic University of Lyon (AFPICL-UCLy), the Notarial Centre for European Law (ACENODE) and the Order of Notaries of Portugal (ONP). The Notarial College of Madrid (CGM), the International Council of the Belgian Notariat (CINB), the Chamber of Notaries of Milan (CNM) and the Royal Dutch Notarial Professional Organisation (KNB) are also associated. Thanks to the EU's support, NBF will carry out the following activities:
Inventory of skills required by notaries in connection with the new regulations 2016/1103 on matrimonial property regimes and 2016/1104 on registered partnerships.
Organisation of 10 bilateral workshops for notaries, to present the new regulations 2016/1103 on matrimonial property regimes and 2016/1104 on registered partnerships, based on practical cross-border case studies built on the results of the skills requirements inventory.
Creation of a service to answer notaries' questions regarding regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104
A communication campaign for the general public and particularly for international couples, on the rights and benefits provided by regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104
Feedback to the European Commission and the chancelleries.